
Visual Arts


At 700 West Ferry Street, home to our Toddler and Early Childhood Montessori programs, an appreciation for visual art is part of daily life.
Each of the classrooms is named for a famous painter: Monet, Matisse, and Klee. Within the classroom, art is manifest. It is incorporated into all of the areas of the curriculum, and is experienced throughout the day.

Our Montessori program also takes advantage of the Art School program at the Albright Knox Art Gallery, and various classrooms choose to enter the art contests that are presented through the Gallery.

Visual Arts

Lower & Middle

The Nardin Elementary visual arts program regularly enriches the student's school day. Students are encouraged to explore individual imagination, express themselves, and be creative.
Students will develop and use artistic language:
  • Principles of Design:  Balance, Movement, Rhythm, Contrast, Emphasis, Pattern & Unity
  •  Elements of Design:  Line, Shape, Color, Texture, Value, Form & Space
Students will develop an aesthetic view:
  • Evaluating the success of a piece of artwork
  • Learning about art criticism
Students will develop their art skills through:
  • Drawing 
  • Painting
  • Three dimensional design
  • Exploration of famous, as well as lesser known, artists . . . both world renowned and local as well
  • Exploration of various design techniques 
  • Exploration of a variety of materials & mediums 

Students will keep a portfolio of their work by way of:
  • A sketch journal that will be kept in school / in the classroom
  • Use of their Chromebook and Google Drive

Students publish and/or display their work in a variety of ways to the Nardin Community.

High School

The Visual Arts curriculum at Nardin Academy contains a variety of creative and conceptual projects where students are able to express their artistic talents through multiple art forms.
Students are recommended and encouraged to exhibit their artwork in many shows and competitions throughout many Western New York galleries, as well as our own Fine Arts Show that takes place once a year.

Curriculum Offered

List of 11 items.

  • Portfolio Prep

    This course is opened for juniors and seniors who have high interest in pursuing art and design in college. Portfolio Prep gives them background knowledge on art portfolios as well as creative projects that result in artworks they can use in their portfolios. All artwork is photographed for the student.
  • Fashion Art & Design

    The Fashion Art and Design course allows students to go through the motions and learning of proportional drawing, fashion illustration and marketing, and designing. Students leave this course with creativity, collaboration, and communication skills.
  • Interior Art & Design

    The Interior Art and Design course allows students to be creative in creating their own floor plan for a person of interest. This allows an outlet for a students’ personalized style. Through this process students learn about architecture, well-known interior designers and their inspirations.
  • Clayworks

    Clayworks is an introductory course to ceramics. Through creative projects students learn how to slip, score, coil and slab build, glaze, and other skills that come with working with clay. Students are also introduced to the wheel at the end of the semester.
  • Advanced Clayworks

    This course is open for students to take after taking Clayworks. Students become more proficient in throwing by working weekly on the wheel, as well as completing other creative projects.
  • Drawing & Painting

    Drawing and Painting is a course where students are able to explore multiple art mediums, from drawing and painting to printmaking. Through these projects students learn about different artists and better their skills.
  • Advanced Drawing & Painting

    This course is open for students to take after taking Drawing and Painting. Students further explore art mediums through other creative projects, and improving their artistic skills. Within this course students become more self-regulated in their artistic decisions.
  • 3D Scupture

    Within this course students work three dimensionally on projects using a variety of different materials. They work on individual pieces all well as a class installation.
  • Exploring Studio in Art

    Exploring Studio in Art is a basic introduction class where students are able to try a variety of art mediums through many different projects. Students are introduced to different styles and techniques in art.
  • Traditional Photography

    This course teaches the student how to shoot with a manual film camera. Students will learn camera settings, lighting, exposures, film, composition and elements of art in addition to learning how to develop film in our state-of-the-art dark room.
  • Traditional Advanced Photography

    This course takes photography to a higher creative level. Students will learn techniques such as hard coloring, multiple exposures, Polaroid transfers, negative manipulation, and colored toning.
A private, independent, Catholic school in Buffalo, NY, with coed Montessori, Lower and Middle Schools and a college preparatory High School for young women.