High School Counseling

College Profile

Nardin Academy

135 Cleveland Avenue
Buffalo, New York 14222
CEEB Code: 331075

2022-2023 College Profile

Colleen M. Robertson, Principal
Jane S. Mathias, Director of Guidance
Mary Kate McDermott, Counselor


An independent, Catholic, college preparatory school for young women, Nardin Academy enrolls students of diverse faiths and ethnic backgrounds. Nardin is consistently ranked as one of the top schools in Western NY. Founded one hundred sixty-seven years ago, in 1857, it is the oldest school of its kind in Buffalo, NY. Nardin is accredited by the New York State Department of Education and the Middle States Association of Schools and Colleges, and is a member of the National Association for College Admission Counseling (NACAC), the New York State Association for College Admission Counseling (NYSACAC), and the Association of College Counselors in Independent Schools (ACCIS). The school is located north of Buffalo’s business district and draws its student body from the greater metropolitan area and nearby Canada. In 2024-2025, 316 students will be instructed by a full and part-time faculty of 32, yielding a student to teacher ratio of 10:1. The Class of 2025 consists of 88 young women, all of whom plan to attend college in the fall.

100% of the Class of 2024 received a Nardin New York State endorsed diploma; 63% were “With Advanced Designation,” signifying a more rigorous curriculum; and 37% of those “With Advanced Designation” were “With Honor,” signifying a cumulative average of 94.0 or higher and no final course grade below 85% in a core course or B in a course with alpha grading.

Graduation Requirements

Entrance to Nardin is based on a competitive examination and previous classroom performance. All students are required to take four years of English, social studies, religious studies, physical education; three years of mathematics, science, three years of a single world language; one semester of health; one semester of computer science, and six semesters of electives. An Advanced Designation Diploma indicates successful completion of four years of math and science in addition to English, social studies, religion and physical education. An Honors Diploma is awarded to students with a cumulative average of 94.0, and no final average lower than 85 in a core course or B in a course with alpha grading. Advanced Placement examinations are required in all subjects designated “AP,” and all AP courses have been reviewed and certified by the College Board. Students must also fulfill an eighty-hour community service commitment. Nardin is on an eight-day, rotating, cascading block schedule.


Final course grades appear unweighted on the student transcript; Advanced Placement courses receive 1.03% in computing the cumulative average. There is no additional weighting given to any other courses. Only numeric grades earned at Nardin are calculated in the grade point average. Nardin Academy does not rank its students.

Grade Distribution

Distribution of Class of 2025 as of June 2024 (six-semester cumulative average):
Honors: 88%*
College Recommending Grade: 80%
Passing: 65%

Average Percentage
99-97 (A+) 9%
96-94 (A) 28%
93-90 (A-) 27%
89-85 (B+) 25%
84-80 (B) 7%
79-75 (C+) 3%
74-70 (C) 1%

* Honor Roll: 94.0 +,
Merit Roll: 88.0-93.99
Class average: 91.03%

SAT/ACT Scores

In light of the Test Optional Policy adopted by the majority of colleges and universities, Nardin Academy is not reporting aggregate student scores.

Advanced Placement

Nardin maintains a policy of open enrollment in AP courses.
Total number of students who took the AP Examinations in May 2024: 191

74 Seniors (81% of class) 67 Juniors (77% of class) 50 Sophomores (58% of class)
Total % GRades 3 or Higher Class Average
2-D Art and Design 6 82 3.2
2-D Art and Design 2 100 3.5
Biology 27 81 3.3
Calculus AB 10 70 3.2
Calculus BC 9 78 3.6
Biology 8 25 1.9
Comparative Govt. and Politics 1 100 5.00
Computer Science Principles 17 82 2.98
Eng. Lang. and Comp. 56 71 3.2
Eng. Lit. and Comp. 43 93 3.7
Environmental Science 18 89 3.5
European History 46 83 3.5
French Language & Culture 4 75 3.5
Macroeconomics 1 100 5.0
Microeconomics 1 100 3.0
Physics 1 1 0 2.0
Psychology  1 100 4.0
Spanish Language and Culture 2 100 5.00
U.S. Govt. & Pol.  42 76 3.5
U.S. History  26 96 4.2
Totals 331 79% 3.51

AP Scholar Awards:    AP Scholars: 27,    AP Scholars with Honor: 10, AP Scholars with Distinction: 20, International Diploma: 1

Sequential Courses
For 2022-2023

AP = Advanced Placement H = Honors
Recommended maximum number Senior AP courses - 3

Grade 9

  • English I (H*)
  • World History and Geography (H*)
  • Math I – Algebra I
  • Foundations in Algebra I
  • Biology
  • French I
  • Latin I
  • Spanish I
  • Health
  • Exploring Computer Science
  • Religious Studies I
  • Physical Education
  • Elective(s)

Grade 10

  • English II (H*)
  • Modern World History
  • AP European History
  • Math II – Geometry
  • Chemistry
  • Earth Science
  • French II
  • Latin II
  • Spanish II
  • Mindfulness and Wellbeing
  • Religious Studies II
  • Physical Education
  • Elective(s)

Grade 11

  • English III
  • AP English Language
  • Modern American History
  • AP U.S. History
  • Foundations in Alegra II
  • Math III(H*) – Algebra II/Trigonometry
  • Physics
  • French III 
  • Latin III 
  • Spanish III 
  • Religious Studies III
  • Physical Education
  • Elective(s)

Grade 12

  • English
  • AP English Literatu
  • Economics
  • American Governme
  • AP U.S. Government and Politics
  • Introduction to Calculus (H*)
  • Pre-Calculus
  • AP Calculus AB
  • AP Calculus BC
  • Calculus (H)
  • Statistics
  • AP Biology
  • AP Chemistry
  • Anatomy and Physiology (H)
  • French IV (H)
  • French V (H)
  • AP French Language
  • Spanish IV (H)
  • Spanish V (H)
  • AP Spanish Language
  • Latin IV (H)
  • Religious Studies IV
  • Physical Education 
  • Elective(s)
H: Course is only offered at Honors level
H* Course is also offered at Honors level

Students have the opportunity to take additional courses through One Schoolhouse at any grade level.

Elective Courses 2022-2023

English: Creative Writing, Public Speaking, Journalism

Social Studies: Introduction to Psychology

Science: Principles of Engineering, Marine Science

Performing Arts: Orchestra, Band, Choir, Chamber Choir, Basic Piano, Intermediate Piano, Dance, Dance Fitness Jam

Visual Arts: AP 2-D Art and Design; Drawing and Painting; Advanced Drawing & Painting; Photography; Clayworks; Advanced Clayworks; Exploring Studio Art; Interior Design; 3-D Sculpture

Computer Science: AP Computer Science Principles, AP Computer Science A

Health: Life Skills

College Placements

Class of 2022: 111 Student
Number Percentage
Private Colleges 57 52%
Public Colleges 53 48%
Two Year Colleges 0 0%
Four Year Colleges 110 99%
Out of State 70 64%
In State 40 36%
Gap Year 1 1%
A private, independent, Catholic school in Buffalo, NY, with coed Montessori, Lower and Middle Schools and a college preparatory High School for young women.